
пятница, 18 сентября 2015 г.

Usefull web pages 2015

 This is my gift to you. I'm pretty sure most of you are unaware of these web sites am gonna present to you. Yeah, Thank me later. One thing I could guarantee you, These are the most useful as well as Coolest of all the websites on the Internet today. But you know, they are less popular. So I am digging out these gems of websites for you. Fun Reading.

1. Coffitivity

Are you a workaholic? A programmer or a web designer? Or at least someone who love's to create new things while spending your time on your laptop and Internet? Well, then you sure must love the ambiance of a coffee shop right? Yeah, we all LOVE the vibe of the Coffee shop. People chattering, coffee glasses muttering, undertones. Yeah, Everything about a Coffee shop is super fantastic. This is a website dedicated entirely to the "murmur" sounds. It's so much fun doing some work tuning to the Coffee shop ambiance. Also, they are providing premium tools like audio tracks from other Environments. 

2. Duolingo

Think about all the Languages you are good at? For me, it would be English and my mother tongue "Malayalam". What about all those other popular languages? Imagine, you are going to Spain for some reason and what if you end up in a place where people could understand only Spanish. Yeah, you are screwed up high time right? Not anymore. I found this website called "Duolingo" where they teach you all the Popular languages including French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Swedish, Danish and many more. One thing I noticed, this is not a "sake of it" website. They really want you to learn new languages, the website itself is attractive. I've started learning Spanish, "Yo soy un humbre".

3. ShouldIremoveIt

If there is any supernatural out there please bless the guy who made this one. This one is a real time saver, real decision maker, real "I'll manage it" thing. This is actually a software which help you to decide which programs you should purge in order to give your PC a little bit breathing space. It'll only cost you 2 MB or something, but pretty powerful and useful as they advertise it is. Yeah, my laptop is super powerful again. Thank you whoever made this software again. Must have tool everyone, must have tool.

4. PrintFriendly

Ever took a printout of a web page? Then you surely must know the hardships of it right? It will download as a bunch of files and If you accidentally delete one of those files, then it's all a big mess. And even if you carefully printed it out, still you will get the crappy things like unwanted links, ads and other pieces of stuff. By using this amazing Printfriendly website, they offer you to take out a perfect printout of a web page excluding the unwanted images and advertisements. Another must have a thing.

5. Sumopaint

This is the exact replica of MS paint. You might ask why I should use this one since I have MS paint on my PC. Well, you don't have to particularly use this if you are a Windows user. It comes handy when you try out the Linux version of OS's. You need a certain expertise in order to work on GIMP. sumo paint is a beautiful and helpful paint' tool which you can utilize. 

6. Corrupt a File

 Life saver, Job saver and  Grade saver. That's the simplest description for this website. Every student and employee have a thing in common. They gotta submit documents and other paper works on time, most of the time we send the paper works to our teacher or boss through the internet. What if you can't complete that report on time? Use this tool and they'll corrupt the file which you send to them. Mail it your boss or teacher, when they open it the file will be corrupted and they can't blame you at all. Instead, you should blame their virus-driven PC's. 

I suggest this to only hardcore movie buffs. If you are not a serious movie buff then skip it. They have an amazing library of documentaries worldwide. Some of it not available on youtube either. They update this site regularly, so there is a huge content of documentaries available here. Again, you will love it if you are a passionate movie guy. 

8. IFixit

IFixit is a global community of people helping each other repair things. You don't have to google for other alternative solutions for repairing your electronics equipment when you are at IFixit. It's a hub of all the repair techniques and tools of electronics items. They are well organized, will provide necessary tools to buy, Will give instructions as well as pictures included with it. Try it the next time when you want to repair something.

9. Pastebin

Quick, quick and quick is the motto behind I often use this one when I find errors in my programs. You can quickly paste your whole code, text or anything here and you will get a corresponding URL for it. What more? send this URL to many people and ask them to help to get rid off the errors. No need to mail, facebook or tweet or anything. 

10. Studio Stupeflix

Make amazing videos in seconds. You just need to add some images, text, and videos. Everything else they'll do. You can pick some default themes which are solid and distinct which give the video a master touch. Another good tool to add to your website list.

Add 2nd. Harddrive in few minutes (NooteBook)

Apple запатентовала новый тип топливного элемента

В современном мире с его ритмом жизни, одного заряда батареи практически любого гаджета хватает в среднем на один-два дня. Производители стараются максимально продлить «жизнь» своих устройств, но радикальных подвижек в данной области по-прежнему нет. Новый патент компании Apple показывает, что в Купертино полным ходом идет разработка топливного элемента нового поколения.

Согласно патенту, озаглавленному «Система топливных элементов для питания портативных вычислительных устройств», новый элемент питания предназначается в первую очередь для Mac Book и, возможно, iPhone. Хотя в документе упоминается только разъем MagSafe, и не фигурирует Lightning, Apple заявляет, что смартфоны тоже смогут использовать новый тип аккумуляторов, так как те имеют совсем небольшой вес и размеры. Обещают, что с батареей нового типа устройство сможет работать от одного заряда в течении 6-7 дней.

Судя по всему, новые элементы питания предполагается использовать совместно с обычными аккумуляторами, во всяком случае, на первых порах. Принцип работы топливных ячеек основывается на реакции гидролиза. В качестве топлива в новых батареях предлагается применять различные химические соединения: борогидрид натрия, силикат натрия, гидрид лития, гидрид магния, борогидрид лития, алюмогидрид лития.

Стоит отметить, что не только компания Apple работает в данном направлении. Совсем недавно британская компания Intelligent Energy представила прототип топливного элемента, работающего на водороде. iPhone 6 с такой батареей работает неделю.