суббота, 5 декабря 2015 г.
"Metabolism Stellar"
"Metabolism Stellar"
The fluen dictate stellar dynamics...
The universe is fluen
Expansion phenomenon...
Hydrogen... Light... Light... Hydrogen... ( HLH )
Distribution of exposure...
Atoms... Cells...
We are fluen!...
Spatial civilizations...
Electric discharges...
Supernova 1987A Rings
Hubble Space Telescope
Wide Field Planetary Camera 2
The Universe Has No Beginning: the Big Bang Never Occurred!
Read on and check out the several takes on why it could be possible that there never was a beginning to the universe and that it has been existing since FOREVER. Who knows, maybe you’ll make your own theory in the process of reading this article.
The big bang theory postulates that everything in existence resulted from a single event that launched the creation of the entire universe and that everything in existence today was once part of a single infinitely dense point, also known as the “singularity.”Our team works hard around the clock to bring you the best content on the web. Your likes, comments and shares not only provide emotional support to team WSL, but also allow us to carefully analyze your feedback and bring you more of the content you want.
Here is a good picture representing what the big bang theory is referring to.
So the big bang, again, postulates that the universe started out as an infinitely small point in space called a singularity, then exploded and created space where there was no space before, and that it is continually expanding. One big question regarding that expansion is; how did it happen? As you can see in the picture, “who is that guy?!”
According to Nassim Haramein, the Director of Research for the Resonance Project
“For every action there is an equal opposite reaction.” is one of the most foundational and proven concepts in all of physics. Therefore, if the universe is expanding then “the guy” (or whatever “he” is), who is blowing up that balloon, has to have some huge lungs that are contracting to be able to blow it up. This a concept that Nassim Haramein began exploring when creating an alternative unified field theory to explain the universe.” (source)
This is one out of many criticisms regarding the big bang theory. There are many considerations to be pondered. Can something come from nothing? What about quantum mechanics and the possibility that there is no moment of time at which the universe did not exist?
Again, so many considerations to be pondered.
According to
“The scientists propose that this fluid might be composed of gravitons—hypothetical massless particles that mediate the force of gravity. If they exist, gravitons are thought to play a key role in a theory of quantum gravity.In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.” (source)
The theory also suggests (obviously) that there are no singularities or dark matter, and that the universe is filled with a “quantum fluid.” These scientists are suggesting that this quantum fluid is filled with gravitons.
According to
“In a related paper, Das and another collaborator, Rajat Bhaduri of McMaster University, Canada, have lent further credence to this model. They show that gravitons can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (named after Einstein and another Indian physicist, Satyendranath Bose) at temperatures that were present in the universe at all epochs.”
As you can see, when quantum mechanics is thrown into the equation things appear to be far different. Again, this new theory is suggesting that the universe could have always existed, that it never was what we perceive to be as “the beginning.” Perhaps it was just an event that did occur that we perceive as the beginning, perhaps the event occurred not from nothing, but something. Again, who is that guy blowing on the balloon in the picture? There is something there that has yet to be discovered.
“As far as we can see, since different points in the universe never actually converged in the past, it did not have a beginning. It lasted forever. It will also not have an end, in other words, there is no singularity. The universe could have lasted forever. It could have gone through cycles of being small and big. or it could have been created much earlier.” – Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, Co-Author of the study. (source)
What We Know Is Often Just Theory
To conclude, it’s clear that we do not yet have a solid explanation regarding what happened during the Big Bang, or if it even happened at all. This new theory is combining general relativity with quantum mechanics, and at the end of the day these are all just theories.
Not to mention the fact that theories regarding multiple dimensions, multiple universes and more have to be considered. When looking for the starting point of creation, our own universe might not even be the place to start. It might be hard given the fact that we cannot yet perceive other factors that have played a part in the make up of what we call reality. What is even harder is the fact that quantum physics is showing that the true nature and make up of the universe is not a physical material thing!
We just don’t know yet, and there are still new findings in modern day physics that delve into non-materialistic science that many mainstream materialistic scientists have yet to grasp and acknowledge.
I’ll leave you with a quote that might give you something to think about:
“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)
“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger. (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001)
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I suggest that the equal and opposite of our expanding universe is not a contracting of something else but an expanding in the equal and opposite direction. The 2 halves remain connected until they meet their counterparts at which point this produces spin and creates expansion. The expansion can only expand a finite amount until the stretch of information is so thin it snaps, retracts back with all the information intact but condensed once more only to reattach to its original partner and begin the process again. This is the feedback loop that drives the universe
NASA Researchers Disclose the Truth About Time Travel & Dimensional Portals
Physics needs some new running shoes,
or at least an updated framework in which to understand itself so that
it won’t be running in circles trying to get to Saturn or a distant star
in a galaxy far, far away.
That’s the sentiment among those in elevated levels of government as well as individuals who understand higher consciousness. Why? There are places all over the Universe we can travel to in an instant, using energetic portals in space, and the use of our consciousness.
The proof is indeed mounting that there are portals to other worlds. Though the documentation is still ‘sketchy’ to describe how this is done in black and white, there is a trail there for those who want to follow it.
There are literary hints as well as soft evidence and testimony of numerous whistleblowers. Consider Alice’s rabbit hole. The tornado in the Wizard of Oz. Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter. The ‘Gate of Hell’ in Dante’s Inferno. These are just a few.
That’s the sentiment among those in elevated levels of government as well as individuals who understand higher consciousness. Why? There are places all over the Universe we can travel to in an instant, using energetic portals in space, and the use of our consciousness.
The proof is indeed mounting that there are portals to other worlds. Though the documentation is still ‘sketchy’ to describe how this is done in black and white, there is a trail there for those who want to follow it.
There are literary hints as well as soft evidence and testimony of numerous whistleblowers. Consider Alice’s rabbit hole. The tornado in the Wizard of Oz. Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter. The ‘Gate of Hell’ in Dante’s Inferno. These are just a few.
Ancients knew of portals not just to other Star Systems, but also to the inner earth, using stones, crystals, pyramids, and other structures aligned with the ley lines of this planet.
Within this framework we can look at the work of a NASA researcher who has revealed that there are portals to other dimensions that open and close every day. They are found within the earth’s magnetic field, and they are in a direct line to the sun’s atmosphere 93 million miles away.
Though NASA hasn’t labeled them as portals, and instead calls them Boom Tubes, electron diffusion regions or ‘X’ points, the process of magnetic resonance allows them to exist.
This means that an extraordinary’ opening in space or time’ does exist, and NASA has known about them for an undefined duration. These ‘short-cuts’ are talked about in science fiction, and often dismissed by ‘real’ scientists.
Jack Scudder, a NASA plasma physicist from the University of Iowa, refers to X-points as:
“Places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun” These portals can be elusive, however, so if one were to imagine utilizing them for space travel, they would have to be an expert in space geography and mathematics to time them correctly.“ Or, one could simply speak to the whistleblowers in the US government. Some claim that the military industrial complex has had the ability time travel through stargate portals for over 40 years.
Andrew D. Basiago is a former participant in DARPA Project Pegasus (1968-72) who claims that the military developed Tesla-based quantum teleportation and time travel in the time space hologram, initiating the U.S. program of time-space Chrononauts.
Basiago claims the military has been using portals since the 1970s. For more than 10 years, Basiago has been trying to tell the general public that portal-based time travel is not something from a sci-fi movie, but a present reality.
Basiago not only talks about time travel to more distant places, but claims the CIA has a Mars-jump-room program which allowed our military to build bases on Mars.
He says that though he has worked with some of the leading quantum physicists, the information that he discloses is considered heretical by mainstream physicists, and the military as well.
Basiago states he participated in two ‘secret’ military programs. He says he was one of the many American children chosen to participate in time travel experiments.
His accounts of what he experienced are measured with logic and it is difficult to discount what he says as pure fantasy. It is also, of course, in the best interest of the US military to keep these technologies secret, since they can be weaponized.
This is no secret, since Rumsfeld has admitted that one of the boons of research done within Project Pegasus is the ability to use teleportation to deliver troops to the appropriate place on the battlefield.
So how does this happen?
This is a similar question that was attempted in the movie Contact staring Jodie Foster. The real life astronomer and ET chaser that inspired her character is Dr. Jill Tarter. She has stated, when asked what got her interested in the search for life beyond this planet:
“The Cyclops Report from 1971 — written by Barney Oliver and John Billingham — was the result of a series of summer studies at NASA Ames and Stanford.If our minds could simply create the energy we need to travel more than 9 billion light years before we’re 9 billion years old, then space travel would become commonplace.
“In reading that workshop report, I was impressed by the notion that after millennia of asking priests and philosophers what to believe about life beyond Earth, the middle of the 20th century presented us with some tools that permitted scientists and engineers to do experiments to try to find the answer.
“Telescopes, rather than belief systems, could potentially show us what is, rather than what others said we should believe. I realized that I was in the right place, at the right time, with the right skills (undergrad degree in engineering physics and Ph.D in astronomy) to join this exploration. I got hooked, and have stayed hooked all these years.” We’re all hooked. That’s because if alien life exists, then surely there are forms of life that are way more advanced (both consciously and technologically) than we are, and these forms of life most assuredly can travel ‘in the blink of an eye’ without necessarily having to overcome gravity, the limitations of rocket fuel, or even the scarcity of physical materials which could not easily withstand the heat of the sun or the extreme cold of deep space.
Perhaps even our highly developed intuition would understand that strange math that allows thought to travel as a wave and to form more cogently in material form on the other side of Pluto.
Nikola Tesla alluded to something of this nature. He developed a ‘teleportation machine’ which formed a ‘shimmering curtain.’
“Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.” – Andrew Basiago Passing through this curtain of energy, Basiago would enter a “vortal tunnel” that would send him to his destination.The other teleportation devices included a “plasma confinement chamber” in New Jersey and a “jump room” in El Segundo, California. There was also some kind of “holographic technology,” which allowed them to travel “both physically and virtually.”
They weren’t always safe, though. One of Basiago’s cohorts, Alfred Webre, recalls one instance in which a child returned from his temporal voyage before his legs.
As he puts it:
“He was writhing in pain with just stumps where his legs had been.” These bugs, according toWebre, have been ironed out in the 40 or so years since the experiments began.
If our consciousness just needs to catch up to the materialization of
matter, anything is possible, but we’ve got plenty of work to do before
packing a bag for MACS0647-JD a mere 13.3 billion light years away.
I’d hate to forget my wallet in Sacramento while my energy was being catapulted to this distant galaxy, let alone my legs. New shoes indeed.
I’d hate to forget my wallet in Sacramento while my energy was being catapulted to this distant galaxy, let alone my legs. New shoes indeed.
Россия испытает в открытом космосе лазер для передачи энергии
Россия испытает в открытом космосе лазер для передачи энергии
КПД всего тракта может составить 10-20%
РКК «Энергия» приступила к наземной отработке технологии передачи электроэнергии с одного объекта на другой посредством лазерного инфракрасного излучения.
В настоящее время к данному проекту подключены ведущие российские лаборатории, а также уже имеются фотоэлектрические приемники-преобразователи, эффективность которых составляет порядка 60%.
Для отработки системы наведения луча на базе предприятия уже подготовлена трасса. Расстояние между излучателем и приемником составляет 1500 метров. Сейчас система успешно функционирует в экспериментальном режиме, сообщается на сайте РКК «Энергия».
По оценкам экспертов, КПД всего тракта может составить 10-20%, а при использовании самых современных достижений в лазерной технике и оптоэлектронике имеется возможность повысить его до 30%.
По словам начальника отдела по энергетическим системам космических средств нового поколения РКК «Энергия» Вячеслава Тугаенко, в результате первоначальных исследований пришло понимание, что такой эксперимент может быть осуществлен в космосе. В частности, в космическом эксперименте планируется передавать энергию с МКС на ТГК «Прогресс», который будет отведен от станции на 1-2 километра.
Создание эффективных лазерных систем в перспективе позволит передавать электроэнергию от космических аппаратов с достаточно мощными энергетическими установками на другие космические аппараты, оборудованные приемниками-преобразователями. Это откроет новые возможности при освоении космического пространства.
Кроме того, данные разработки смогут найти применение и в сферах, где имеется необходимость в использовании автономных робототехнических систем. Например, МВД и МЧС, которые регулярно задействуют роботов при ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий, а также при проверке объектов на наличие взрывчатых веществ и выполнении других операций, слишком опасных для привлечения людей.
Технологии лазерного электроснабжения позволяют в разы увеличить автономность дистанционно управляемых устройств и повысить эффективность их работы.
КПД всего тракта может составить 10-20%
РКК «Энергия» приступила к наземной отработке технологии передачи электроэнергии с одного объекта на другой посредством лазерного инфракрасного излучения.
В настоящее время к данному проекту подключены ведущие российские лаборатории, а также уже имеются фотоэлектрические приемники-преобразователи, эффективность которых составляет порядка 60%.
Для отработки системы наведения луча на базе предприятия уже подготовлена трасса. Расстояние между излучателем и приемником составляет 1500 метров. Сейчас система успешно функционирует в экспериментальном режиме, сообщается на сайте РКК «Энергия».
По оценкам экспертов, КПД всего тракта может составить 10-20%, а при использовании самых современных достижений в лазерной технике и оптоэлектронике имеется возможность повысить его до 30%.
По словам начальника отдела по энергетическим системам космических средств нового поколения РКК «Энергия» Вячеслава Тугаенко, в результате первоначальных исследований пришло понимание, что такой эксперимент может быть осуществлен в космосе. В частности, в космическом эксперименте планируется передавать энергию с МКС на ТГК «Прогресс», который будет отведен от станции на 1-2 километра.
Создание эффективных лазерных систем в перспективе позволит передавать электроэнергию от космических аппаратов с достаточно мощными энергетическими установками на другие космические аппараты, оборудованные приемниками-преобразователями. Это откроет новые возможности при освоении космического пространства.
Кроме того, данные разработки смогут найти применение и в сферах, где имеется необходимость в использовании автономных робототехнических систем. Например, МВД и МЧС, которые регулярно задействуют роботов при ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий, а также при проверке объектов на наличие взрывчатых веществ и выполнении других операций, слишком опасных для привлечения людей.
Технологии лазерного электроснабжения позволяют в разы увеличить автономность дистанционно управляемых устройств и повысить эффективность их работы.
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