Любопытное видео появилось в интернете. Самарец собрал из подручных
средств аппарт, который практически превратил его в лыжный аналог
Карлсона. После снегопада это особенно актуально.
смастерил ранцевый аэромотор, использовав двигатель от мотокосы
мощностью в две с небольшим лошадиных силы, и винт из сосны, оклеенный
При попутном ветре и хорошей лыжне "Карлсон" может развить скорость до 20 км/час.
Health services for people with neurological conditions in England are not good enough, says a report from a committee of MPs.
criticises poorly co-ordinated local services, patchy hospital care and
long delays in diagnosing conditions like Parkinson's disease and
More than four million people have a neurological condition but few have a care plan, the report says.
The Department of Health said it would consider the recommendations.
MPs say their report should be taken as a wake-up call, to improve
services for what can be devastating or even fatal conditions.
describe the impact of disparities, for example, in epilepsy care: in
south-west Lincolnshire nearly nine out of 10 patients were seizure-free
for 12 months, while in Hull and north Manchester it was fewer than
five out of 10.
The report recommends that NHS England find a way of
tackling the problem of variation in services and explain how it will
offer everyone with a long-term condition a personalised care plan.
also urges NHS England to make better use of the 650 consultant
neurologists in England, as well as other specialist nurses, to improve
access to care for patients.
Hiller MP, chair of the Public Accounts Committee, said: "Strong,
consistent leadership and accountability are crucial if patients are to
see sustained improvements to services and more effective use of the
resources available."
She added: "This must start with
improvements in planning, co-ordination and the use of data and we will
be holding the Department and NHS England to account for this in the
months and indeed years ahead."
Although some progress has been
made since a previous report in 2012 made recommendations aimed at
improving neurological services in England, the report said changes have
"not yet led to improvements in services and outcomes for patients".
committee says it is concerned that neurological conditions are "not a
priority" for the Department of Health and NHS England.
Arlene Wilkie, chief executive of the Neurological Alliance, said neurology services need urgent attention.
'Latest technology'
urge NHS England and the Department of Health to act quickly to ensure
that everyone living with a neurological condition receives a
high-quality, accessible service."
She also said she was pleased
that the committee agreed that cutting the role of national clinical
director for adult neurology would be a mistake.
A Department of
Health spokesman said it was committed to giving patients with
neurological conditions the very best care, regardless of where they
"We spend over £3bn every year on neurological services, we
have set up a new children's national epilepsy service and we are
making sure patients with progressive neurological diseases can access
the latest technology to help them communicate.
"But we know that
more can be done and, along with NHS England, we will consider these
recommendations and respond in due course."
Как Александр III относился к врагам Англия в ту пору была главной противницей России.Будучи фактически хозяевами Афганистана , англичане часто засылали на территорию России шпионов и лазутчиков. Однажды некий казачий есаул, служивший на русско-афганской границе, отправившись с эскадроном в дальнее патрулирование, перехватил на нашей стороне контрабандистов,среди которых оказались и английские офицеры.Что делать с афганцами, ему было понятно.А как поступить с англичанами? Есаул рассудил , что если повернет назад из-за каких-то двух британцев, его по головке не поглядят.Посему он от души выпорол англичан и выдворил за пределы России. Лазутчики подали своему начальству рапорт о том, как их унизили русские казаки.Когда дело дошло до королевы Виктории та немедленно отправила ноту протеста Александру III : мол, как так моих офицеров выпороли" Требую извинений и сурового наказания для казака-варвара. Александр III в тот же день отправил есаулу телеграмму : "Действовали правильно.Поздравляю полковником.Если бы повесили- были бы генералом!"