English ivy

English ivy is, hands down, the best plant for air purification. It absorbs formaldehyde and is easy to grow. Little attention is needed. It prefers moderate temperature, semi-damp soils, and indirect light.

Snake plant

The snake plant is the best for providing oxygen. No other indoor plant beats it. Oxygen is especially useful when sleeping as it helps you sleep deeper and longer. This is a great plant for the bedroom.


Jasmine is often advertised as a full-sun plant, but it can handle shade and indirect light just fine. Jasmine flowers help relieve anxiety and improve quality of sleep and your mood upon awakening. Their pleasant scent is perfect for the bedroom.

Aloe vera

Aloe is one of my favorite plants. It's great for soothing burns. Just break off a leaf and rub the juice onto the burn. It's also great at eradicating chemicals in the air that you would otherwise find yourself breathing.


Lavender is my favorite on the list. Its scent is perfect for my bedroom. The odor is soothing, relaxing, and even has a somewhat sedating effect. This is great for sleep time.