
понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

Тепловая карта

Тепловая карта, показывающая, как мы чувствуем эмоции

The MiG-29 V4 “SPEEDMASTER” + Patented Dual-Path Signal Redundancy

Man are parkjet speed planes popular these days! More and more guys are finding just how simple and inexpensive it really is to build and fly a plane that can get up to the 100 MPH mark! Wow, can you imagine telling your friends you built an RC plane in an evening that goes 100 MPH? The new MiG-29 V4 SPEEDMASTER is just scary fast and this time it’s no longer the new guy to the 100 MPH club. I’d like to share three big changes here with you. First, it has redesigned control surface system to handle the high speeds. Second, the proportions of the plane and surface have been improved to give greater strength at the higher speeds. And third, We put alot of work into the new MiG-29 V4 frame to basically be able to keep up with itself. It’s more sturdy and stable which means you can hammer on it harder, fly faster, and land safer. The new MiG-29 V4 is no longer a speed plane, it’s a “SPEEDMASTER”. Let me give you a little context first and then get into some of the details:

What Else Is Out There?
It sure seems simple enough to make a speed plane, right? That’s what I first thought when I started designing and here’s what I ran into. If you can get a super fast motor (which is easy these days) and you bolt it onto a fast looking foam jet (also pretty easy) and hit full throttle you have yourself a speed plane... right? Well, let me put it this way... it’s like crashing without hitting the ground. The plane can’t take the stresses and just explodes and then hits the ground and explodes again. Then you take your speed plane home in a bag and show your wife how much money you lost today and she explodes at you again.

Ok, so strengthen it up, that will do it, and it does! But now you can’t fly the thing when trying to take off, turn, land, you know all those other parts of flying. Your plane is “too fast” and now too heavy for its sleek aerodynamic size (your wing loading is too high) and now it’s unstable. Here’s the saddest part, most RC designers know this and just live with it and expect you to as well. “Come on, you can’t have a sturdy, fast plane that’s also stable at slow speeds.” Oh yes you can, and we got it. The new MiG-29 V4 masters the important speed issues that other speed planes can’t.

Ok, so let’s get down to it, here is where the MiG-29 V4 had to be better than the V3. First, the V4 had to be at least as fast, or faster. Second, it had to be stronger. This is the biggest area of improvement needed in my opinion. Third, the V3 was surprisingly stable so let’s figure out more of what happened and how we can improve stability even more with the V4. After many months of research, consulting a few of the top guys on the Forum, and good old fashion field testing, here is what we came up with:

New Features And Benefits
The new MiG-29 V4 feels and flies more like an EDF or even turbine RC plane at high speeds. “That’s a foamie?” is what you are going to hear the most from your buddies at the field. The new MiG-29 V4 can take more of a payload (for those heavy speed motors), has more strength where it needs it most, and get this, is even more stable at slow speeds! This means you can calmly loiter at slow speeds, just casually cruising around like everyone else, and then rocket your plane out of sight! And then right back to a calm, easy approach pattern into a soft landing at your feet! Yes, everyone is very impressed when they see what this simple speedmaster can do. Let me show you the three things I mentioned above that are really contributing to the improvements:

Redesigned Control Surfaces. If you read up on our new F-18 V4 we talk alot about this new aileron design that has really changed things for us. The design allows you to have greater roll control, less over correcting, and keeps the wing from stalling because it’s channeling the air from the inside out to the tips of the wing. You know where we got this idea? From the wing of the MiG-29 V3! We stared at that plane trying to figure out why it was so stable at slow speeds even when it was super heavy and should be stalling and falling! What we saw was the swept back wing (and swept back trailing edge of the wing in particular) was naturally creating this effect. So for the V4s we did this on purpose on all the planes in the fleet. The MiG-29 V4 has an enhanced stable new aileron design. This means it was already going to be stable for you (we did that on accident) and now it’s going to be super stable (we did that on purpose).

The elevators on the MiG-29 needed quite a bit of improvement as they were having a hard time keeping up with the structural forces at high speeds. We saw how much the guys loved the MiG-29 V3 as a speed plane first and aerobatic plane second. After much debate and testing we installed the “half elevons” on the new MiG-29 V4. The idea here is just the back half of them hinge which provides much greater strength and stops them from hitting the ground in hard landings. This gives us the increased strength we are demanding without adding parts and weight. What we were worried about was the decrease in control though. But get this, with the increase in efficiency due to the proportions and weight distribution, you now get as much control authority with less control movements! It’s another surprise win-win that we are so happy with.

Improved Proportions. When messing with the size of a successful airplane, you now have other factors coming into play. Now your rudders may cause a bit too much drag, your horizontals have a bit too much flex, your wings are getting better lift, but now too much drag. It’s not as easy as just hitting the “scale up button” huh! So how did we sneak in 6% more wing area without paying for it in flex, flutter, and drag? We increased the size of the wings but not the wingspan of the plane. We did this by increasing the size of the wing slightly and then sloping it back so it keeps its current wingspan. Pretty good huh? I know, you wouldn't have even noticed when looking at it. So what you got in the air is more wing area with the same wingspan and therefore greater lift and stability. And because the wing is sweeping back you can’t notice any increase in drag but you do notice the increase in stability. This is what we were going for. Because the new verticals and elevons are so efficient, we were able to scale them down slightly. This gave us an increase in strength by once again, taking parts away, not adding to it. I just love it when that happens!

Increased Stability. We did a few more clever things to really amp up the stability on this one. A pretty basic change was inching the motor up a bit more to help cancel out the torque and inertia. Alot of forces coming off these motors and the closer we can sneak them to the center of gravity the more the plane feels like it’s on rails. The big tricky improvement here is the angling out of the vertical stabilizers. We actually did this slightly on the MiG-29 V3 and didn’t say anything! We wanted to see how it performed on a large scale blind test. The results we got back was, “Wow, why is this thing so stable?” What’s happening with the verticals kicked out is the plane starts to yaw slide to one side a bit (say the left). The left vertical is now exposed to more wind resistance (because it’s angled out more) and this then forces it back to center. And if it slides to the right, it’s forced back to center. This slight “wedge shape” in the verticals ensure your MiG-29 V4 is always tracking straight! “Wow, what a clever idea!” everyone says, “But doesn't this create more drag?” We thought so too so we tested several MiG-29 prototypes against each other and what we found in testing (and even blind testing) is that it’s not noticeably slower (though it is a bit). What is noticeable is the ones with the verticals angled out feel like they have a gyro on them vs those that have standard verticals. You are going to love this and it’s also alot of fun to show off to the guys at the field when they ask, “How does that fly so good?” The new MiG-29 V4 is a Speed Master because it has magic in the tails!

If you were a fan of the MiG-29 V1, and were surprised by the MiG-29 V3, then you are going to be happy with the strength, stability, and speed of the new MiG-29 V4 SPEEDMASTER. The all new control surfaces is like having power steering for the first time. The clever increase in proportions gives it a calm, floating feeling even when it breaks 100 MPH. And the slow speed stability means you can even put a 2 cell on it and float around in the yard. Does it get much better than all that? No dude, it doesn't. The MiG-29 V4 is a SPEEDMASTER because it doesn't just “go fast” it’s mastered all the details to do it right.

How To Get Your MiG-29 V4 “SPEEDMASTER”
If you were designing and selling parkjets, what might be a really good way to promote them? What we believe is if we make it easier for everyone to build, fly, and promote our planes the better our business does. But as you know, having a good plane in the air is just part of the story. We see it as our responsibility to make it easy for everyone during the whole process. This means easy ordering, easy access to your downloads, easy to print, easy to build, easy to get parts, easy to transport in the car, and hard to wipe that silly smile off your face at the field. The V4 Pro Pack includes our best instructions ever, wiring diagrams, links to all the parts you need, where to get the best deals, and optional upgrades. The MiG-29 V4 is one of the four parkjet plans that come in the V4 Pro Pack. We’ve been producing parkjets since 2004 and this year is our best year yet. Please see the RCPowers Homepage Here for more info and ordering. 


Patented Dual-Path Signal Redundancy

Every 2.4GHz receiver, DSM-based or not, has to deal with two technical problems common to all 2.4GHz signals - reflected signal fading and polarization blind spots at long range from the transmitter. Both of these problems, if not properly addressed, could mean the end of a model. Only patented Spektrum MultiLink™ receiver technology provides you with the best way to deal with both.

Eliminates Reflected Signal Fading

Reflected signal fading occurs when a 2.4GHz signal is cancelled out at the receiver by its reflection bouncing off a conductive surface. If the signal reflection arrives at the receiver exactly 180 degrees out of phase from the original signal the result is the same as a noise cancelling headset - silence. That's a real problem if you're only using one receiver.

  Only Spektrum MultiLink receivers give you the protection of a main receiver connected to one or more satellite receivers. By mounting the smaller satellite receivers away from the main receiver in different orientations, the odds of all of them experiencing signal reflection at the same time are reduced to a statistical impossibility. No single receiver can come close to providing that kind of protection.

Eliminates Receiver Blind Spots

The farther a 2.4GHz receiver operates from its transmitter the greater the chances of signal loss when its antenna is pointed directly at the transmitter. This is referred to as a polarization blind spot. By using multiple receivers with different antenna orientations, the dual path diversity of MultiLink ensures that one or more will always be able to clearly "see" the signal.

About Single Spektrum Receivers

Spektrum single receivers are designed exclusively for use in smaller RC aircraft such as parkflyers and ultra micro aircraft that use materials which create little, if any, signal reflection. Also, these models are almost always flown close enough to their transmitters that the size and effect of antenna blind spots are minimal.

воскресенье, 6 сентября 2015 г.

Хорошие идеи

А вы говорите, в математике нет романтики, она есть везде.

стоит только поискать.

В этом туалете запоров нет.))

Знаете ли вы, что уровень доверия людей друг другу в разных странах сильно различается? В Сингапуре люди не боятся оставлять дорогую фотоаппаратуру в салоне кабриолета, а в Дании матери спокойно оставляют коляску с ребёнком у входа в супермаркет.

Горы в Китае. Практически Пандора из «Аватара».

Colgate столкнулся с большим препятствием при продаже своей продукции в испаноговорящих странах, так как в переводе «Colgate» означает «пойдите повесьтесь».

Существуют виды мороженого со вкусом васаби, омаров, хрена и бычьего языка.

Без комментариев...


Хивервикский Сворачивающийся Мост в Лондоне.

В США в прошлом году ремонтировали дорогу до Аэродрома протяжённостью 123 км. Так вот, было полностью снято покрытие (асфальт) и потожено новое покрытие+ нарисована разметка. Строителям было выделено на это всё 6 ЧАСОВ. Как рассказал житель США, строители уложились немного быстрее и получили премию.

В Восточной Африке аборигены делают пиво из бананов.

Оригинальное кресло.

Отпечатки пальцев коалы неотличимы от отпечатков пальца человека даже под электронным микроскопом.

В некоторых местах Европы, особенно на юге Франции, выпадают красные дожди. Одни ученые считают, что причиной является красноватая пыль, приносимая ветром из пустыни Сахары. Другие говорят, что красный цвет воде придают микроорганизмы.

В Великобритании появилась необычная ягода – белая клубника со вкусом ананаса. Эксперты считают, что продукт станет хитом продаж грядущего лета.

Ресторан на дереве, остров Окинава.

Удивительное дерево.

3D-рисунок на асфальте в Гельдерне, Германия.

Цветочные поля на юге Китая.

Капля молока упавшая в кофе.

Одна семья была на отдыхе в Австралии полторы недели, когда муж, жена и их 15-тилетний ребенок решили нырнуть с аквалангами. Муж работает в военно-морском флоте и раньше занимался дайвингом. Сын захотел сфотографировать своих маму и папу «при всем параде» и достал подводную камеру. Когда пришло время делать фото, отец заметил, что сын паникует, и показал ему знак рукой «ОК», чтобы проверить, все ли с ним в порядке. Сын сделал фото, и как можно быстрее поплыл на поверхность, к лодке, а его родители поплыли за ним. Когда они вернулись на лодку, мальчика всего трясло и он был страшно испуган. Когда родители спросили его, почему, он ответил: «За вами была акула». Отец подумал, что это шутка, но шкипер на лодке тоже подтвердил слова мальчика, и все равно он не мог поверить в это. Когда они вернулись в гостиницу, то загрузили фото на компьютер и вот то, что они увидели.

Оригинальные обручальные кольца.
Любопытным моим
В Польше впервые в истории сыграли свадьбу под водой, которая сразу попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса, передают местные СМИ.Эва и Павел Борковские познакомились на занятиях по дайвингу и решили, что свадьба под водой будет очень символичной для их союза. Молодоженам из города Зелена-Гура удалось уговорить 275 гостей спуститься под воду для участия в торжественной церемонии бракосочетания. Их уговорам поддался даже священник.

 Любопытным моим

Канчо — японская игра, пользующаяся популярностью у школьников начальных классов. Играющий складывает ладони с вытянутыми указательными пальцами вместе и пытается вонзить их в анус противнику, когда потенциальная жертва занята чем-нибудь другим.Известны случаи, когда азарт от игры был так велик, что в качестве водящих приходилось участвовать и учителям, что несомненно пресекалось директорами учебных заведений, хотя и не всеми.

Оригинальный дизайн унитаза.

Крыса — единственное млекопитающее, кроме человека, которое умеет смеяться.