
вторник, 19 января 2016 г.

Plants You Need In Your Bedroom For Better Sleep

English ivy

English ivy is, hands down, the best plant for air purification. It absorbs formaldehyde and is easy to grow. Little attention is needed. It prefers moderate temperature, semi-damp soils, and indirect light.

Snake plant

The snake plant is the best for providing oxygen. No other indoor plant beats it. Oxygen is especially useful when sleeping as it helps you sleep deeper and longer. This is a great plant for the bedroom.


Jasmine is often advertised as a full-sun plant, but it can handle shade and indirect light just fine. Jasmine flowers help relieve anxiety and improve quality of sleep and your mood upon awakening. Their pleasant scent is perfect for the bedroom.

Aloe vera

Aloe is one of my favorite plants. It's great for soothing burns. Just break off a leaf and rub the juice onto the burn. It's also great at eradicating chemicals in the air that you would otherwise find yourself breathing.


Lavender is my favorite on the list. Its scent is perfect for my bedroom. The odor is soothing, relaxing, and even has a somewhat sedating effect. This is great for sleep time.

Facts About Hands

People with rectangular palms tend to be problem solvers.

They tend to be intuitive and adventurous people as well. They're the the problem solvers you want in any work or school project.

People with square palms tend to be practical.

These are the Spock-types of them all. They are logical and practical, almost to a fault. They have trouble thinking too far outside the box and lack creative pizazz.

People with long fingers are more curious.

Their short-fingered counterparts tend to be great leaders.

Those with smaller hands take greater risks.

They're as generous as they are adventurous and their relationships, platonic and romantic, tend to be wild and dramatic.

Small handed people are pragmatic.

They tend to be logical and seek direct and simple solutions for problems.

Large handed people are sensitive perfectionists.

People with larger hands tend to want to see things done perfectly, and they hate seeing things out of order. They tend also to be more sensitive and empathic.

Related: Here's What Your Finger Length Reveals About Your Personality

Who would have thought you could learn so much about yourself based on your finger length? Above you'll see three different hands labeled A, B, and C. With each one, the ring, middle and index finger are different (or sometimes the same) lengths. Put your left hand up and find the one that most closely matches you.
A) The charming but pragmatic one.
This one is me! People who have a ring finger longer than the index finger tend to be charming and irresistible to some at least. A's are the ones who can talk themselves out of just about any situation. Additionally, they're aggressive and excellent problem solvers. They tend to be incredibly compassionate and are often scientists, engineers, soldiers, and crossword puzzle masters.
B) The confident, get-it-done type.
People with shorter ring fingers than index fingers are the self-confident, get-it-done types. They love solitude in which to work and accomplish the things they need to do, but that doesn't necessarily indicate introversion. They're very goal oriented and don't like to be disturbed. They appreciate what they have but often hunger for more.
C) The peacenik
C's are the peace-loving conflict-avoiding types. People with even ring and index finger length are well organized and want nothing but to get along with everyone. They are faithful in relationships, tender and caring partners, but beware: C's have a fiery core that while suppressed in normal day-to-day activities can be dangerous if unleashed. They might be peaceniks, but please, stay on their good side.

Does this sound like you? I know A described me personally. Which letter are you? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!

This Ancient Roman Sword Found On Oak Island Completely Rewrites History

We're taught in school that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Of course, the idea that you can discover a continent already inhabited by millions of other humans is, well, dubious at best, but now there's more evidence that Columbus was not the first European to set foot on the continent of North America.
A new finding suggests that Romans were the first non-indigenous people to visit the Americas. This claim is supported by the discovery of a sword on Oak Island off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, that appears to be of ancient Roman origins.
"It has the same arsenic and lead signature in it. We've been able to test this sword against another one like it and it matches. This goes against everything we have been taught," Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, the group's lead researcher, told the Boston Standard.
It's possible that Romans arrived in North America in the first century AD, possibly even earlier. Further supporting the discovery was the discovery that the Mi'kmaq people, a tribe native to Nova Scotia, drew on their cave walls figures that look like Roman Legionnaires holding swords.
There is now also DNA evidence of Roman ancestry in Mi'kmaq DNA.
"The Mi'kmaq carry the rarest DNA marker in the world which comes from the ancient Levant. You can't screw with DNA," Pulitzer said.
Pulitzer also found a plant known as Berberis Vulgaris on Oak Island, which is invasive there but native to Europe. The plant has been used for generations as a spice that wards off scurvy, indicating the Romans may have brought it.
Of course, some reject the idea that Romans visited North America, but it's not uncommon for challenges to accepted history be rejected.
"The problem is, to rewrite history it would mean rewriting every textbook and university course in the world. That's the detriment. I think anything that challenges history is very risky, very dangerous and extremely political. But I think the world has matured and history may force politics to mature," Pulitzer concluded.